Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Title

Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion.


Manifest Destiny and westward expansion. (Louisiana purchase, Mexican cession, Oregon treaty ect.)

Essential Question

Was it right for the united states to follow and take over so much land?

Was it even necessary for the U.S. To get that much land even though the country was still small?

Was the U.S. Negotiating fairly with the other countries?

Was the U.S. Fair to take over mexico?


Warm up, quick write on general knowledge on any of the topics.

Direct Teaching

Present board.

Step By Step Explanation


Student Centered Activity

Your table will receive a event or a person in time. The group will have to draw a picture of the event or something big that occurred during that, then they will have to make a skit. The skits will then be preformed and you will show the picture. After that we will go over a subject and have a game.

The Alamo v.s. Texas.

Fight with paper

a couple minutes




Re read the essential questions, answer.

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